Global issues in Local context

The Aim

The GloCal Nutrition project aims to improve the health and nutrition of women and children around the world through local educational videos.

We want to give mothers in developing countries the opportunity to easily learn the basics of nutrition and the importance of proper nutrition. We also want to teach them how to use locally available, affordable foods to feed their families a varied diet.

The videos have helped us in making food decision in the household. I have started diversifying household foods.​Mother, Kenya

The Videos

Available in some of the most common languages

The GloCal videos include topics like health and hygiene, but our main focus is on nutrition.

We have noticed that nutrition is very poorly understood in many countries. By improving understanding about maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the importance of exclusive and continued breastfeeding and timely and adequate complementary feeding, the future prospects of families could be greatly improved.

Well-fed children are more successful in school, get better jobs and have the chance to lift their families out of poverty.

The videos help us in our work as the mothers listen and we wait for questions. They update mothers. The number of mothers attending the Mother-Child Clinic has also increased.Healthcare Worker, Kenya

Mobile applications

In addition to the videos, we offer two mobile applications.


GloCalMom allows mothers to access the videos and basic information about health and nutrition through their simple smartphones.


GloCalNurse is meant to help health extension workers educate families in remote areas. The application allows for target specific education. In addition, growth and vaccination schedules can be followed with the help of the applications.


These organizations are using the material of GloCal Nutrition project and/or have with their kind contributions made the production thereof possible:

Contact us

If you want to know more or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!