GloCal Nutrition TEAM
The GloCal Nutrition team members have spent time doing both research and personal traveling in developing countries and found a deep passion to discover ways to improve the lives of children and their families. Even in areas where food is available, children are not fed correctly due to ignorance. Especially complementary feeding seems to be problematic in the countries we have visited.

Thus we wanted to find a new way of educating these people. Videos seemed to be the appropriate way, as these offer a way to simultaneously explain and show in practice how and why things should be done. Furthermore, videos can be understood even by the illiterate.
We have jointly written the manuscripts for the videos as well as the texts for the applications, based on discussions with the locals: from mothers to government officials. In addition, we have been in the field doing the filming and voice recordings with the help of our local collaborators and edited the videos.

Marja Mutanen
Marja is a professor of Nutritional Physiology at the University of Helsinki. She has 30 years of experience in human nutrition, and is a specialist in nutritional physiology, dietary intervention studies and nutrition in the developing countries. During the last decade she has carried out nutrition studies in Kenya, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Benin.

Lauriina Schneider
Lauriina is a Nutritionist working as a researcher at the University of Helsinki. She is doing her PhD thesis on the GloCal research project in Kenya. She wrote her Master’s thesis on complementary feeding in Southern India, where she performed a field study on the subject. On top of this time spent in India, Lauriina has worked in Cambodia and Haiti. In addition to her nutrition studies she has studied international health and development studies.

Katja Korhonen
Katja is a nutrition scientist and is working on her PhD thesis on child feeding in rural Uganda in the University of Helsinki. She completed her Master’s thesis in India on maternal nutrition and fetal growth as part of Pune Maternal Nutrition Study. As former education Katja is a physiotherapist and still works on the field of physical education.